Tuesday, November 25, 2008

4th Observation- Nov. 13

On Thursday, November 13, I was surprised to find that growth in the aquarium had been exponential overnight!!!  This was especially obvious in the Nostoc that continues to grow in every area of the aquarium.  

Also, the amoebas were all moving, and quite a bit, as compared to the day, when all of the ones I observed were completely stationary.  There were many different kinds, some with pointed ends, others with wide, smooth ends.  I observed one approaching and moving down the length of a plant tendril, possibly obtaining nutrients from it.  I also saw its contractule vacuole swelling then deflating as it took in then released water.  I identified this particular amoeba as Amoeba proteus (Lee).                                                                                                           

Citation Information:
Lee, John J.  An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa.  Lawrence, KA: Society of Protozoologists, 1985.

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